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Im The kinddest guy you will ever meet...Nice guy finish last that why I prefer to be kind than nice.For real three tings you should know about me is that i am very creative,active(play volley ball,basketball,a bit of tag foot ball,and soccer),and last EAT A LOT OF JUNK FOOD(My addiction got the best of my decision making)


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Positive thinking

Positive thinking
Is there any power to positive thinking?
Yes, Positive thinking makes us optimistic about life. Positive thinking makes us see life in a different view that makes us ignore the worst situations of our lives and look at the positive side of it. People who are negative, most likely to keep thinking and stress about the situation and never take any steps forward. Positive thinker would keep moving with is life, and look for positive opportunities to make life better. I believe positive thinking minimizes depression, and stress. For instance a positive thinker who just gets out of a relationship would say this is hard to take, but I will get through this. Even though I miss my partner but I have my family and friends. Compared to Someone who has a negative attitude, would say, I will never get over this. Without my partner, I can’t seem to do anything right. Positive thinking can uplift our mood; and makes us feel better of ourselves and the situation.
                Being positive can lead you to achieve your goals. A person that never quits on his goal, and has positive mind set, has a great chance to achieve his/her goal. Even though people doubted his ability, but, the positive mind set drives him to be successful. When I was young people used to say I was too skinny to play soccer with the big boys, but that never stopped me play with them. I got pushed, tackled very hard but I had that a positive mentally set to prove them wrong and play with any whom I wanted to play with, not because of my size. Now I play with no fear, I play any strong guys. I didn’t stop playing because people said things to make me stop.
                Positive thinking drives someone to be highly motivated to be successful. Positive thinking helps you build a healthier character.
                Word counts: 320

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Laughter has positive outcomes on our health system, psychologically and physically.

“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” (Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.)We express our emotion of joy by loud burst of noise that comes from our lungs that we called laughter. Laughter is an emotion that has positive outcomes on our health system, psychologically and physically. People who are happier in their daily lives have a healthier heart that cutting the risk of diseases, and lower their stress level, and reduce physical pain and emotional pain as well.

                Laughter helps the immune system fight off diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Laughter might seem just a normal gesture that we do almost each and every day, but laughter can help prevent hot blood pressure. History has shown that people who are in risk of high blood pressure are those who are intense, stress almost all the time, and don’t appreciate humor as much. History also shown that high blood pressure and diabetes rise with age. Most Diabetic and High blood pressure patients are victim to the disease due to the fact that the life stages they are in. The intense, stressful life style doesn’t allow them to laugh as they used to because of the circumstances they found they selves in. The good of laughing is that it helps the body system to cope with certain diseases that may develop in the future.    According to helpguide.org, “Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.”People should laugh more, even it means laughing alone because “laughing is the best medicine”, but laughing with a group is more effective because you will find more fun laughing with someone.
                Furthermore, Laughing reduces stress level. We challenged by life each and every day but a laugh makes everything seems alright. Anger, Frustration, disappointment has negative effects on us psychologically. Reggie Wells once commented on her laughter- yoga program by saying “a stress lifted from my soul.” Sometimes we feel like the world is against us when we experience stress. Laughter blocks the effect of stress because it makes you forget about your problems and reminded you that things aren’t as bad as they appear. I had a friend named Cole who went on Katt William who is one of the funniest African American Comedian. My friend for most of the time all he talks about is how bad life is treating him, how much stress his having of not able to take care of his daughter like he wants to .One day I suggested to go to see the Katt William show, he agreed .The following day I met him he was so happy and telling jokes. He told me, “My life is not that bad, I have a wonderful daughter.”He seemed very happy, energetic and less worry about life. Laughter helps him get over to the depression and the bad thoughts he had not being able to provide for his daughter and focus on the positive side of his life. As most of us know that stress is negative factor that can lead to heart attack, or general death. One best solution to reduce those risks by creating an environment that make you laugh, social support can be helpful.               
                In addition, laughter allows a person to forget about physical pain and emotional pain as well. According to the experts laughter “relaxes the muscles”. Laughter also makes you forget about your emotional pain. I asked my psychology professor “is happiness led to a healthier you?”She responded, “Of course, I have my cousin who is dealing with the lost of her grandfather, she goes to Yoga laughing club to help her get her mind out of the situation.”The possessor told me that going to the Yoga laughing club helped her with the emotion difficulty t hat she is facing. Laughter helps us to step away from the pain that we are feeling and look at the positive side of life, and enjoy the moment. According to psychologist Charles Schaefer, ‘adults who act happy (broad smile; hearty laugh) for a minute a day are likely to elevate their mood. ’Base on Charles Schaefer observation I can easy say that a laughter  affect our health because if someone is always in a bad mood is certainly not helping his/her blood flowing, this may lead to high blood pressure in late stages of life. Laughter helps us fight against physical pain without even realizing it. One time I hurt my knee from a high school game, I was in a lot of pain, and I was unable to continue the game. While the team was in the bus back home, we were celebrating, making jokes, and laughing very hard I almost forgot my knee was injured. While I was getting up from the bus I started to feel the pain once again. Laughter is a powerful tool that takes you out of the hard times you are in, and uplift your mood to forget about the pain.
                In conclusion, we laugh because it is ability to most of us was born with. Laughter have a great influence on how health. Most of us don’t practice laughter as we should have either alone or socially but it is a very important tool to maintain a healthier life style. Laughter helps to reduce the risk of diseases, reduce stress, and get the mind off pain. I encourage laughing more and don’t be too intense of daily life challenges. Remember a simple laugh is the best medicine to our health. 

Words count:1,000                               
                                                                Works Cited                      
Khatchadurian,Raffi. “The Laughting Guru.” ENG101-The Pursuit of Happiness.Ed. E.            McCormick.New York: LaGuardia Community  College .20210.77-88.Print.                                                                          
Melinda Smith,Gina Kemp,M.A, and Jeanne Segal,Ph.D. “Laughter is the Best Medicine: The health  Benefit of laughter.” helpguide.org. may 2010.Print.
Shaoni Bhattacharya. “Happiness Helps people stay healthy.” www.newscientist.com.18 April          2005.Print.

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Thesis /Sources

Thesis: Laughter can improve how body reacts to stress hormones and strengthen our mentality to cope with diseases.

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My gratitude

I am grateful for my parent for giving me life.
I am grateful for waking up each and every single day.
I am grateful that every day I wake up I see the sun.
I am grateful for having a family that care about me and offer me support every times I need it.
I am grateful for being a kind person.
I am grateful to live in United States.
I am grateful for being publish in the news pages for my school soccer team.
I am grateful to people who listen to my music.
I am grateful for being creative
I am grateful for having a competitive mentality.
I am grateful for being healthy.
I'm grateful to have a coach like Neylon who thought me  a lot about soccer also about life.
I am grateful to have a lot of friends that I can count on.
I am grateful to friends like Yoann, and Chris because they always think of me as a brother.
I am grateful for the ability to play the piano and soccer very well.
I am grateful for the ability to speak French, English, and Creole.
 I am grateful for my job.
I am grateful for being unique.

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Cultivating a happier relationship that last longer and healthier.

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning).Romantic relationships that take times to grow usually are successful. Cultivating a happier romantic relationship almost guarantee longer and healthier relationship. We cultivate a happier and longer relationship by knowing your core-self, accepting and knowing your partner, created a stronger bond than “Finding” relationships.
Knowing your core-self is very important in a romantic relationship. Knowing who you are, your internal characteristics. Having a clear idea of how patient or how is frustrated you can be may avoid any conflict in a relationship or should you have started that relationship in the first place. In the book of Happier, Lord Byron mentioned, “The core self comprises our deepest and most stable characteristic - our character." If you are in love with someone would like that person to know who you really are from the inside. First you need to know who you are. you need to know your behavior , and your personality. For instance I had a friend named Terry, he was in a romantic relationship but his partner didn't feel too comfortable around him. She didn't know much about what terry interested in. May be because Terry himself didn't have any idea of what he wanted in life and what his core self was. He was someone who lost trying to find himself. In the process of trying to find himself, the girl friend was struggling to find to know who is partner internal characteristics were. This relationship may not last long, if Terry doesn’t get to know his core self soon. She might feel too much of a struggle and choose to call it quit.

Knowing and accepting your romantic partner is something that I suggest any one who looking for a long term relationship and healthy relationship to practice. Accepting your mate bad habits is something that we should work on in relations, because everyone has bad habits. If you cannot accept the person  for he or she is there will be always be negative feeling floating around. Knowing your partner is also an important factor to a healthy relationship. It gives the couple a sense of how you feel and bring the two a closer and understanding in the relationship. In the book of Happier, Lord Byron stated,"To be loved for our wealth, power, or fame is to be loved conditionally; to be loved for our steadfastness intensity, or warmth is be loved unconditionally.”Loving someone for who he or she is, bring you more closely to that person and more emotionally attach. Instead of loving that person for his wealth, you love he or she for the person for his or her kindness, her honesty, or creativity. Although wealth and power may disappear, but internal characteristics will always be there. I knew a neighbor named Cole, who had girlfriend who didn’t really like him for the person he was, but what he can do for her. Cole knew people from the music industry and she wants to be a part of the music industry so she used him to get what she wanted. She may have some feelings for him, but her love wasn’t unconditional love.
Cultivating a happier romantic relationship develops a stronger chemistry than "finding" relationship. Knowing your core self and accept each other flaws and the good habits create a bond that “Finding" relationship is almost impossible to reduplicate. A finding relationship is more likely to go to the club to find Mr. or Mrs. Right. The problem with the finding relationship is that there's no such mate as the right fit. There will be differences between the two people, although it has not shown in the first couples week or months. My parent is developed a strong chemistry through the years but I can easily say that they didn’t start as the greatest fit. They grew their relationship through times although they are very different, but accept each other differences and ignore the concept of “Finding” relationships.
In conclusion, cultivate a happier romantic relationship by knowing who you are gives a sense of what type of person you want to associate with. By knowing who your partner is, develop an unconditional love. Accepting your partner bad habits can make relationship last longer and healthier, and last cultivating a healthy relationship we built a strong chemistry than finding relationship. A relationship that last longer and healthier.

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Happiness and relationship

Happiness and relationship
Cultivating and findings
People often foreshadow relationship partners wondering if she or he is Mr. or Mrs. right. They picture their potential partners as what they want person to be.”Finding” is the ideal partner or relationship you believe that person can be .A Friend of mine is looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with. He spent a lot of time and money looking for his mate. Once founded that mate he wasn’t satisfy. He believes they were too different. He believes that she didn’t have the quality he was looking for therefore they weren’t compatible. Cultivating a relation takes times, patience and also accepts the other partner differences and work at it to grow a more healthy relationship. I believe having a cultivate relationship give the mates the opportunity to know the other much better, and accept their good habits as well as bad.
                Core self
A friend might like you for what you process but not for who you are. There are some people who are in relationships are interested in the money or what the person can do for them than what is the person internal characteristics. For instance girl friend who doesn’t know her boy friend’s core self attend to show less emotion if anything a happen to him. Knowing your mate care self can improve communication in a relation. If you know your partner like to tease and  make jokes, when he says anything that you might get offended. Knowing that he’s some that type of individual that like to joke around ,and you might take the thing that he said less offended because of the kind of person that you know he is. 
    Spending More Time with Loved Ones    
Lately I haven’t spend that much times with my best friend .My best friend  named Yoann Karl is someone I met in LaGuardia community college. When we first met we clicked instantly. He had a lot in common so everything comes naturally. Because I feel so comfortable around ,I spend a lot of times hanging out ,play games, enjoy life .Each and every single day we had a do-list. He’s someone that I considered as a big brother. He didn’t have no family members around, so he also considered as the only family member that he had in this foreign country called United States.  Spending time with him got us closer and we understand each other like we were in each other shoe. One day he told me that, “I will have to go back to France because my passport is not valid anymore.”I wasn’t too concern when he said it, but as days goes by I realized there weren’t much time left. I spent every day like it was like the last day. We didn’t want every day to end without doing our daily routine either play video games, go play soccer, or  going out to eat dinner. Yoann last day, it was very emotional, he cried and I felt like  I lost one my family member. He said to me” it’s not the city that matter to me, it moment that we had ,too bad that we can’t do it no more. I wish I can take all the people that matter to me and bring them to Paris.”

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Happiness at work

              What is work?Effort directed to produce or accomplish something.We categorized work as a task which found no pleasure of doing. The word work means slavery.The  meaning itself has created a negative influence on our mentality.Work can be pleasurable if you find the task in hand is meaningful. Making work fun and pleasurable ,we should  think of work as task that we do to help others around us and influence the environment that we live in, in returns we rewarded with a pay check.
                Many of us believe work suppose to be a miserable time of doing things that seems boring because it the same routine every time you come to work. Why people never asked how much fun did you have at work? This would seem like a stupid question. I have learned there no such time as a stupid question. If you passionate of making a different in the world, I believe a job such as nursing, doctor, politician, etc… would give you the excitement to work and help others who need the help. For example my aunt in Florida she like being a nurse, she feels obligated to help those clients. She thinks of the client first after her pay check. She didn’t want to come to vacation in New York because of her job. May be she get attached more to the client every single day, she felt needed and that a reason to go work.
                Daily jobs may feel boring. May it because we doing the same routine each and every single day. We think we are a slave to the job. We sense that we spend hours on a job that don’t have a relation to who we are, we don’t know why you doing it beside the money. I personally believe everyone has if not one but three jobs or more that will fit their personality. To have fun while working you need to get a job that fit who you are .For example if you enjoy playing video games, you should work at games stop not Mc Donalds. Working at games stop you can have the excitement to see which new games that will come out; where in Mc Donald your excitement  would be about the new menu?
                In summary, working in an area where you feel needed might have positive behavior at work. Working in a place that fit your personality will keep you interested to the work unlike a job you do for the money.

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How Can I be more Social In school?

Society give us wrong impression of school, we pictured of all the negative side of school that might not be true. A child, who is attending to his or her first day of school, will have a dreadful picture in his/her brain, how boring, over challenging, and unhappy school will be. School can be a fun environment for student while learning. I believe I can  improve in term being more social and be enegetic in education.Opening more to my classmates such as involving in study groups, and participating in after school programs such as sports or clubs.
            Students often don’t know how to interact with others or shy of meeting new people, so they choose the easy way out, which is being alone. During my first middle school year, I had to move from Florida to New York to a different school, I was extremely timid. The culture seem different from what I used to, the choice of words that students used while they were out of the class room , the way they acted seems complete different to I am used to. New York’s Students are more expressive compared to the Florida’s students.  It was very challenging for me to adapt and communicate to fellow my classmates. I didn’t know, how they would react, so I chose to be alone. I was very lonely in my first three months, school seemed boring and uninteresting. I felt like I was out of my comforted zone. My grades took a down fall, I used to get A’s and B’s in my previous school, now my grades are suffered because of my negative attitude I had on my new school. My mother always asked me how my days went, I always replied, fine, but she could see that I was miserable, plus it was written all over my face. She suggested that I find some friends, or joint an after school club. She said, “Give them a chance to see who you are.”I took my mother’s advice, I saw immediate changes. I interacted with my classmate, they accept my opinion, and we discussed class project together. The end result was I became a happier student, students who feel free to I share his opinion and listen to others opinion. Who said you can’t learn from your fellow classmates?
            After school activities, such as, after school clubs, and school teams can make education rememberable experience. Students who joined after school programs have a lot of amusement while learning music, fashion, and cultures etc…These students have the freedom to be creative, and the privilege to go on school fill strips and discovered new places and new things. These students found that school is interesting and fun while the student that goes home and do the same boring routine might have a different view of  school. I used to be the captain to my high school soccer team. Being a captain of the school soccer team I had something new to look for every single day, either practice or games. After the games, although I didn’t know some students, got stop in the hallway, asked how the game went, if we won or not or general questions. One other thing I used to look for was my science class. Even though I despised my science class, I usually look forward to it, because I wanted to hear my name in the morning radio’s announcement. Who knows? I would probably never show up on time in science class if it wasn’t for the radio announcement. I believe your happiness can your effect your attitude to learn. Although I hate the science class but the excitement to hear my name to the school radio make me come to class early and get a decent grade also.
            In summary, Participating in group activities, or make friendship can change your prospective on how you view education. . You can find happiness in education by joining after school clubs. You be will surprised of how much fun you can have in learning different cultures, fashions, or be a member of the school sport team. Education can also be a positive environment if you have a friend that you can share thoughts, and talk after class instead of staying in a corner by yourself. That friend might be your best friend, who might help in future if you in desperate need. School is Happiness. The society paints school with dark color, you paint school with colorful colors, colors of happiness!

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Hot States Vs Cold States

We humans act and make judgments because of our Hemisphere system .Based on Psychology, the right side of our brain reacts without thinking. In contrast, the left side of the brain looks at different angles before making any judgments. According to Leowentein, the right hemisphere can be referred as Hot States and the left side can be referred as the Cold States.
            What would you say, if I told you that someone who seems certain and happy with life could commit a crime such as robbery, homicide or suicide etc...? Many would say, that would never be them. During a Hot States scenario; Emotions, Judgment skills, and thinking ability are not existed. According to Wikipedia/Chris _Benoit murder suicide. Chris Benoit was best known as a famous weslter, NFL player who let the hot states get the best of him. Chris Benoit killed his wife named Nancy Benoit, and strangled his seven year old son. One question that kept asking, why did he do it? I believe even Chris Benoit Wouldn’t have an answer to that question. According to Leowentein Hot States can be influenced by fear, anxiety, drugs craving, and the like. In Chris Benoit case it is safe to say his hot states were a result of the combination of drugs craving, and anxiety. But based on police investigation, they discovered that Chris Benoit had over use the drug known as steroid. The decision to take the steroid may have to do with insecurity, how he looked. Chris Benoit in the surface seemed calm, self- secured, but under all the smiles it is a miserable Chris Benoit battling with Life. He wasn’t as happy as people perceived him to be. Taking the steroid cost him his family’s life and his life also. Hot state can make you feel good in the moment but have bad outcome.
            Have you ever being influenced to smoke by your friends? I have, my best friend used to smoke cigarettes every single day, or should I say every two to three hours a day. I tried to resist every time they asked me to take a puff. Sometimes, all my five friends are smoking, and I am the only one who doesn’t. I think beyond the moment, and reflect to what the negative impact would be. All my friends play soccer, and they all have the common dream, the dream to become a soccer player if the opportunity comes along. I am no different. Professional soccer players are not allowed to smoke, because to play the sport you need to be in the best health you can be. If during the physical they have found any lung diseases, my dream might crushed just because I smoked those cigarettes that my friends offered. I also have a goal in life to live for numerous years, and a happier life in the years to come. I am not sure my friends are sharing that same type of goal. In the cold state  my happiness may not come in the short time, but I will live a happier life than my friends that smokes in twenty years or less from now. I don’t want my decision of smoking in the moment be the barrier to achieve my goals, and live with regrets. The good of the cold state is that making a wise decision today have it reward tomorrow although the good of your decisions doesn’t show instantly.
            In General, hot states and cold states have two types of outcomes of our decisions making. My understanding of Lowenstein’s philosophy is that Hot states is the pleasure you get in that instant. The happiness that you are experiencing, the like, or the anxiety you get from the moment and unable to make a wise decision, a decision that may have negative impact to our happiness. As for the cold states we are more cautious with our decisions making process because you are aware of the negative impact in the future. Which happiness do you preferred?  Instant happiness or the happiness that comes later in life?

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