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Im The kinddest guy you will ever meet...Nice guy finish last that why I prefer to be kind than nice.For real three tings you should know about me is that i am very creative,active(play volley ball,basketball,a bit of tag foot ball,and soccer),and last EAT A LOT OF JUNK FOOD(My addiction got the best of my decision making)


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Positive thinking

Positive thinking
Is there any power to positive thinking?
Yes, Positive thinking makes us optimistic about life. Positive thinking makes us see life in a different view that makes us ignore the worst situations of our lives and look at the positive side of it. People who are negative, most likely to keep thinking and stress about the situation and never take any steps forward. Positive thinker would keep moving with is life, and look for positive opportunities to make life better. I believe positive thinking minimizes depression, and stress. For instance a positive thinker who just gets out of a relationship would say this is hard to take, but I will get through this. Even though I miss my partner but I have my family and friends. Compared to Someone who has a negative attitude, would say, I will never get over this. Without my partner, I can’t seem to do anything right. Positive thinking can uplift our mood; and makes us feel better of ourselves and the situation.
                Being positive can lead you to achieve your goals. A person that never quits on his goal, and has positive mind set, has a great chance to achieve his/her goal. Even though people doubted his ability, but, the positive mind set drives him to be successful. When I was young people used to say I was too skinny to play soccer with the big boys, but that never stopped me play with them. I got pushed, tackled very hard but I had that a positive mentally set to prove them wrong and play with any whom I wanted to play with, not because of my size. Now I play with no fear, I play any strong guys. I didn’t stop playing because people said things to make me stop.
                Positive thinking drives someone to be highly motivated to be successful. Positive thinking helps you build a healthier character.
                Word counts: 320

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Jessica Lucero said...

I agree with you about how having a positive mindset will get you to see the better side of life, however what about people that are sick that have cancer or something? How will positive thinking help them get over their battle with it?

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