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Im The kinddest guy you will ever meet...Nice guy finish last that why I prefer to be kind than nice.For real three tings you should know about me is that i am very creative,active(play volley ball,basketball,a bit of tag foot ball,and soccer),and last EAT A LOT OF JUNK FOOD(My addiction got the best of my decision making)


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Laughter has positive outcomes on our health system, psychologically and physically.

“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” (Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.)We express our emotion of joy by loud burst of noise that comes from our lungs that we called laughter. Laughter is an emotion that has positive outcomes on our health system, psychologically and physically. People who are happier in their daily lives have a healthier heart that cutting the risk of diseases, and lower their stress level, and reduce physical pain and emotional pain as well.

                Laughter helps the immune system fight off diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Laughter might seem just a normal gesture that we do almost each and every day, but laughter can help prevent hot blood pressure. History has shown that people who are in risk of high blood pressure are those who are intense, stress almost all the time, and don’t appreciate humor as much. History also shown that high blood pressure and diabetes rise with age. Most Diabetic and High blood pressure patients are victim to the disease due to the fact that the life stages they are in. The intense, stressful life style doesn’t allow them to laugh as they used to because of the circumstances they found they selves in. The good of laughing is that it helps the body system to cope with certain diseases that may develop in the future.    According to helpguide.org, “Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.”People should laugh more, even it means laughing alone because “laughing is the best medicine”, but laughing with a group is more effective because you will find more fun laughing with someone.
                Furthermore, Laughing reduces stress level. We challenged by life each and every day but a laugh makes everything seems alright. Anger, Frustration, disappointment has negative effects on us psychologically. Reggie Wells once commented on her laughter- yoga program by saying “a stress lifted from my soul.” Sometimes we feel like the world is against us when we experience stress. Laughter blocks the effect of stress because it makes you forget about your problems and reminded you that things aren’t as bad as they appear. I had a friend named Cole who went on Katt William who is one of the funniest African American Comedian. My friend for most of the time all he talks about is how bad life is treating him, how much stress his having of not able to take care of his daughter like he wants to .One day I suggested to go to see the Katt William show, he agreed .The following day I met him he was so happy and telling jokes. He told me, “My life is not that bad, I have a wonderful daughter.”He seemed very happy, energetic and less worry about life. Laughter helps him get over to the depression and the bad thoughts he had not being able to provide for his daughter and focus on the positive side of his life. As most of us know that stress is negative factor that can lead to heart attack, or general death. One best solution to reduce those risks by creating an environment that make you laugh, social support can be helpful.               
                In addition, laughter allows a person to forget about physical pain and emotional pain as well. According to the experts laughter “relaxes the muscles”. Laughter also makes you forget about your emotional pain. I asked my psychology professor “is happiness led to a healthier you?”She responded, “Of course, I have my cousin who is dealing with the lost of her grandfather, she goes to Yoga laughing club to help her get her mind out of the situation.”The possessor told me that going to the Yoga laughing club helped her with the emotion difficulty t hat she is facing. Laughter helps us to step away from the pain that we are feeling and look at the positive side of life, and enjoy the moment. According to psychologist Charles Schaefer, ‘adults who act happy (broad smile; hearty laugh) for a minute a day are likely to elevate their mood. ’Base on Charles Schaefer observation I can easy say that a laughter  affect our health because if someone is always in a bad mood is certainly not helping his/her blood flowing, this may lead to high blood pressure in late stages of life. Laughter helps us fight against physical pain without even realizing it. One time I hurt my knee from a high school game, I was in a lot of pain, and I was unable to continue the game. While the team was in the bus back home, we were celebrating, making jokes, and laughing very hard I almost forgot my knee was injured. While I was getting up from the bus I started to feel the pain once again. Laughter is a powerful tool that takes you out of the hard times you are in, and uplift your mood to forget about the pain.
                In conclusion, we laugh because it is ability to most of us was born with. Laughter have a great influence on how health. Most of us don’t practice laughter as we should have either alone or socially but it is a very important tool to maintain a healthier life style. Laughter helps to reduce the risk of diseases, reduce stress, and get the mind off pain. I encourage laughing more and don’t be too intense of daily life challenges. Remember a simple laugh is the best medicine to our health. 

Words count:1,000                               
                                                                Works Cited                      
Khatchadurian,Raffi. “The Laughting Guru.” ENG101-The Pursuit of Happiness.Ed. E.            McCormick.New York: LaGuardia Community  College .20210.77-88.Print.                                                                          
Melinda Smith,Gina Kemp,M.A, and Jeanne Segal,Ph.D. “Laughter is the Best Medicine: The health  Benefit of laughter.” helpguide.org. may 2010.Print.
Shaoni Bhattacharya. “Happiness Helps people stay healthy.” www.newscientist.com.18 April          2005.Print.

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