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Im The kinddest guy you will ever meet...Nice guy finish last that why I prefer to be kind than nice.For real three tings you should know about me is that i am very creative,active(play volley ball,basketball,a bit of tag foot ball,and soccer),and last EAT A LOT OF JUNK FOOD(My addiction got the best of my decision making)


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Cultivating a happier relationship that last longer and healthier.

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning).Romantic relationships that take times to grow usually are successful. Cultivating a happier romantic relationship almost guarantee longer and healthier relationship. We cultivate a happier and longer relationship by knowing your core-self, accepting and knowing your partner, created a stronger bond than “Finding” relationships.
Knowing your core-self is very important in a romantic relationship. Knowing who you are, your internal characteristics. Having a clear idea of how patient or how is frustrated you can be may avoid any conflict in a relationship or should you have started that relationship in the first place. In the book of Happier, Lord Byron mentioned, “The core self comprises our deepest and most stable characteristic - our character." If you are in love with someone would like that person to know who you really are from the inside. First you need to know who you are. you need to know your behavior , and your personality. For instance I had a friend named Terry, he was in a romantic relationship but his partner didn't feel too comfortable around him. She didn't know much about what terry interested in. May be because Terry himself didn't have any idea of what he wanted in life and what his core self was. He was someone who lost trying to find himself. In the process of trying to find himself, the girl friend was struggling to find to know who is partner internal characteristics were. This relationship may not last long, if Terry doesn’t get to know his core self soon. She might feel too much of a struggle and choose to call it quit.

Knowing and accepting your romantic partner is something that I suggest any one who looking for a long term relationship and healthy relationship to practice. Accepting your mate bad habits is something that we should work on in relations, because everyone has bad habits. If you cannot accept the person  for he or she is there will be always be negative feeling floating around. Knowing your partner is also an important factor to a healthy relationship. It gives the couple a sense of how you feel and bring the two a closer and understanding in the relationship. In the book of Happier, Lord Byron stated,"To be loved for our wealth, power, or fame is to be loved conditionally; to be loved for our steadfastness intensity, or warmth is be loved unconditionally.”Loving someone for who he or she is, bring you more closely to that person and more emotionally attach. Instead of loving that person for his wealth, you love he or she for the person for his or her kindness, her honesty, or creativity. Although wealth and power may disappear, but internal characteristics will always be there. I knew a neighbor named Cole, who had girlfriend who didn’t really like him for the person he was, but what he can do for her. Cole knew people from the music industry and she wants to be a part of the music industry so she used him to get what she wanted. She may have some feelings for him, but her love wasn’t unconditional love.
Cultivating a happier romantic relationship develops a stronger chemistry than "finding" relationship. Knowing your core self and accept each other flaws and the good habits create a bond that “Finding" relationship is almost impossible to reduplicate. A finding relationship is more likely to go to the club to find Mr. or Mrs. Right. The problem with the finding relationship is that there's no such mate as the right fit. There will be differences between the two people, although it has not shown in the first couples week or months. My parent is developed a strong chemistry through the years but I can easily say that they didn’t start as the greatest fit. They grew their relationship through times although they are very different, but accept each other differences and ignore the concept of “Finding” relationships.
In conclusion, cultivate a happier romantic relationship by knowing who you are gives a sense of what type of person you want to associate with. By knowing who your partner is, develop an unconditional love. Accepting your partner bad habits can make relationship last longer and healthier, and last cultivating a healthy relationship we built a strong chemistry than finding relationship. A relationship that last longer and healthier.

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Jennifer_Melaik said...

Hello, my name is Jennifer. I enjoyed reading your paper and my favorite part about it all was the fact that you should like somebody for who they are and not what they posses. This is absolutely true and alot of people get too involved with the materialistic views of the word. Another thing I liked was the various quotes you used to support your idea. Actually, what really catched my attention was the fact that you opened up with a quote. Your thesis ios obvious to me in the opening paragraph when you state "Relationships that take timer are successful." The organization of your paper is good in the sense that you open up by telling us your idea to developing your idea by explaining what is it and how people can grow in their relationships. However, I found a few mistakes. You kept using present tense with past tense. For example, I cut this sentence from one of your paragraphs so you can see what I am referring to. ---->The neighbor knew people from the music industry and she wants to be a part of the music industry so she uses him to get what she wants. You should stick to the past tense because this is something that already happened. I also saw that you used "i" instead of "I" which I think has alot to do with the type of writing style that you chose to use. I was thinking that the paragraph before the conclusion can use some more help. You can use examples or evidence from your own personal life or maybe someone you know. You can talk about things that you or someone you know has done to keep a successful relationship. You can also talk about the idea that a relationship does not have to be about two people that are in love. A relationship can also consist of a very close friendship between two friends. The conclusion seems pretty good. You can add a little more to it and just restate your thesis once more. Good luck on your paper, I look forward to reading the final draft!

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