What is work?Effort directed to produce or accomplish something.We categorized work as a task which found no pleasure of doing. The word work means slavery.The meaning itself has created a negative influence on our mentality.Work can be pleasurable if you find the task in hand is meaningful. Making work fun and pleasurable ,we should think of work as task that we do to help others around us and influence the environment that we live in, in returns we rewarded with a pay check.
Many of us believe work suppose to be a miserable time of doing things that seems boring because it the same routine every time you come to work. Why people never asked how much fun did you have at work? This would seem like a stupid question. I have learned there no such time as a stupid question. If you passionate of making a different in the world, I believe a job such as nursing, doctor, politician, etc… would give you the excitement to work and help others who need the help. For example my aunt in Florida she like being a nurse, she feels obligated to help those clients. She thinks of the client first after her pay check. She didn’t want to come to vacation in New York because of her job. May be she get attached more to the client every single day, she felt needed and that a reason to go work.
Daily jobs may feel boring. May it because we doing the same routine each and every single day. We think we are a slave to the job. We sense that we spend hours on a job that don’t have a relation to who we are, we don’t know why you doing it beside the money. I personally believe everyone has if not one but three jobs or more that will fit their personality. To have fun while working you need to get a job that fit who you are .For example if you enjoy playing video games, you should work at games stop not Mc Donalds. Working at games stop you can have the excitement to see which new games that will come out; where in Mc Donald your excitement would be about the new menu?
In summary, working in an area where you feel needed might have positive behavior at work. Working in a place that fit your personality will keep you interested to the work unlike a job you do for the money.
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