About Me

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Im The kinddest guy you will ever meet...Nice guy finish last that why I prefer to be kind than nice.For real three tings you should know about me is that i am very creative,active(play volley ball,basketball,a bit of tag foot ball,and soccer),and last EAT A LOT OF JUNK FOOD(My addiction got the best of my decision making)


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Happiness at work

              What is work?Effort directed to produce or accomplish something.We categorized work as a task which found no pleasure of doing. The word work means slavery.The  meaning itself has created a negative influence on our mentality.Work can be pleasurable if you find the task in hand is meaningful. Making work fun and pleasurable ,we should  think of work as task that we do to help others around us and influence the environment that we live in, in returns we rewarded with a pay check.
                Many of us believe work suppose to be a miserable time of doing things that seems boring because it the same routine every time you come to work. Why people never asked how much fun did you have at work? This would seem like a stupid question. I have learned there no such time as a stupid question. If you passionate of making a different in the world, I believe a job such as nursing, doctor, politician, etc… would give you the excitement to work and help others who need the help. For example my aunt in Florida she like being a nurse, she feels obligated to help those clients. She thinks of the client first after her pay check. She didn’t want to come to vacation in New York because of her job. May be she get attached more to the client every single day, she felt needed and that a reason to go work.
                Daily jobs may feel boring. May it because we doing the same routine each and every single day. We think we are a slave to the job. We sense that we spend hours on a job that don’t have a relation to who we are, we don’t know why you doing it beside the money. I personally believe everyone has if not one but three jobs or more that will fit their personality. To have fun while working you need to get a job that fit who you are .For example if you enjoy playing video games, you should work at games stop not Mc Donalds. Working at games stop you can have the excitement to see which new games that will come out; where in Mc Donald your excitement  would be about the new menu?
                In summary, working in an area where you feel needed might have positive behavior at work. Working in a place that fit your personality will keep you interested to the work unlike a job you do for the money.

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How Can I be more Social In school?

Society give us wrong impression of school, we pictured of all the negative side of school that might not be true. A child, who is attending to his or her first day of school, will have a dreadful picture in his/her brain, how boring, over challenging, and unhappy school will be. School can be a fun environment for student while learning. I believe I can  improve in term being more social and be enegetic in education.Opening more to my classmates such as involving in study groups, and participating in after school programs such as sports or clubs.
            Students often don’t know how to interact with others or shy of meeting new people, so they choose the easy way out, which is being alone. During my first middle school year, I had to move from Florida to New York to a different school, I was extremely timid. The culture seem different from what I used to, the choice of words that students used while they were out of the class room , the way they acted seems complete different to I am used to. New York’s Students are more expressive compared to the Florida’s students.  It was very challenging for me to adapt and communicate to fellow my classmates. I didn’t know, how they would react, so I chose to be alone. I was very lonely in my first three months, school seemed boring and uninteresting. I felt like I was out of my comforted zone. My grades took a down fall, I used to get A’s and B’s in my previous school, now my grades are suffered because of my negative attitude I had on my new school. My mother always asked me how my days went, I always replied, fine, but she could see that I was miserable, plus it was written all over my face. She suggested that I find some friends, or joint an after school club. She said, “Give them a chance to see who you are.”I took my mother’s advice, I saw immediate changes. I interacted with my classmate, they accept my opinion, and we discussed class project together. The end result was I became a happier student, students who feel free to I share his opinion and listen to others opinion. Who said you can’t learn from your fellow classmates?
            After school activities, such as, after school clubs, and school teams can make education rememberable experience. Students who joined after school programs have a lot of amusement while learning music, fashion, and cultures etc…These students have the freedom to be creative, and the privilege to go on school fill strips and discovered new places and new things. These students found that school is interesting and fun while the student that goes home and do the same boring routine might have a different view of  school. I used to be the captain to my high school soccer team. Being a captain of the school soccer team I had something new to look for every single day, either practice or games. After the games, although I didn’t know some students, got stop in the hallway, asked how the game went, if we won or not or general questions. One other thing I used to look for was my science class. Even though I despised my science class, I usually look forward to it, because I wanted to hear my name in the morning radio’s announcement. Who knows? I would probably never show up on time in science class if it wasn’t for the radio announcement. I believe your happiness can your effect your attitude to learn. Although I hate the science class but the excitement to hear my name to the school radio make me come to class early and get a decent grade also.
            In summary, Participating in group activities, or make friendship can change your prospective on how you view education. . You can find happiness in education by joining after school clubs. You be will surprised of how much fun you can have in learning different cultures, fashions, or be a member of the school sport team. Education can also be a positive environment if you have a friend that you can share thoughts, and talk after class instead of staying in a corner by yourself. That friend might be your best friend, who might help in future if you in desperate need. School is Happiness. The society paints school with dark color, you paint school with colorful colors, colors of happiness!

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